Welcome Letter
David Vinyes

Do you want Neural Therapy to reach everyone?

I would like to welcome you to the Neural Therapy Research Foundation.

An entity created in 2021 whose mission is to promote research in the field of health, human and animal sciences, with the ultimate goal of contributing to the improvement of the health and well-being of the population.

From the Foundation we promote, support and coordinate research, mainly in the field of neural therapy and neurofocal dentistry, but also in other areas of health, seeking greater effectiveness and at the same time less iatrogenic, always bearing in mind a holistic, social and cultural vision of the human being.

I encourage you to get to know the Foundation better and to collaborate actively with us, thanking you for the support you are entrusting us with.

David Vinyes

President’s Neural Therapy Research Foundation

History of the foundation

Mission and Vision.

We are working to make neural therapy a diagnostic and therapeutic option for all people, as well as a valuable specialty for medical, nursing, dental and veterinary professionals.


“Focus on your goals, and enjoy learning with humor.”

David Vinyes

To this end, we focus our efforts on:

To generate scientific evidence of neural therapy by conducting and publishing scientific studies.
To carry out excellent medical research, with an integral vision of the person and the animal, which makes us an international benchmark.
To contribute to a better health of people and animals, with maximum respect for their own self-healing mechanisms and the environment.
Maintain a medium and long-term impact.

Our Values

useful doctor
Holistic vision
of being
Science open to new ideas
International cooperation

Board of Trustees

Picture of David Vinyes Casajoana

David Vinyes Casajoana


Picture of Teresa Garcia Caballero

Teresa Garcia Caballero


Picture of David Callejón Ferrio

David Callejón Ferrio


Picture of Marc Ros Samsó

Marc Ros Samsó



We are transparent. If you want to know how we work, visit the NTRF bylaws. See bylaws


We believe in the power of partnerships and collaborate with neural therapy associations around the world. These are the links we have with other international entities.

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